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What can be better than living in Santa Monica?

Living even better in Santa Monica!

Sheltered at the western edge of the world under the caressing sun and a cooling breeze, Santa Monica is much like paradise to travelers from distant lands.

But do Santa Monicans fully appreciate the temperate climate, the gentle weather, the beautiful beaches and all that the city has to offer? Or have we become too busy to notice while days and seasons pass?

Perhaps we could spend just a little more time simply enjoying Santa Monica while we can, taking part in cultural activities and preserving it the way it is — and let others know what our favorite local activities are. Before you know it you might find yourself enjoying paradise even more with a new acquaintance!

One Comment

  1. What a great concept.Love it. Many people that live in Santa Monica are not aware of the show that the dolphins put on almost daily @ Temescal beach. That is a must see. I will post my favorite activities every week as they come up. Right now I’m headed for the bike lane on the beach to enjoy the sun and surf.Lucky to have lived here all my life.